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“As a Violence Prevention educator, I would highly recommend this course. The course covers the foundations of effective facilitation as well as relevant and creative ways to teach consent and boundaries. The course is interactive and allowed me to connect with other amazing professionals across the US and Canada.


Before this course, I was searching for engaging and accessible methods to talk about consent and boundaries with young people. The activities and discussion questions in Creating Consent Culture are easy to facilitate yet invoke deep conversation around the practice of setting and respecting boundaries.”

Picture of Monica Reyna

-Monica Reyna, Violence Prevention Coordinator, participant of Fall Certification Course, 2022

Karen Udall

"This training is interactive, informative and critical for anyone who works with youth to understand consent. From the AI simulations, to the exercises practicing how to accept the word “no”, the content is so valuable. 


Creating a culture of consent starts at a young age and continues through adulthood.  As a sexual assault prevention educator and facilitator, I have been able to incorporate the lessons into classes with youth, parents, therapists and school personnel. 


Erica teaches from her own knowledge and experiences, is open to learning and growing with class members and brings in other experts to expand the level of learning for participants. I highly recommend this course!"

-Karen Udall, MS, Sexual Assault Prevention Educator 

Want to build a career teaching consent?
Or bring teaching consent into your career?
spring certification course - april/may

This Course is for you if:

  • you would like to teach consent skills in a fun and interactive way

  • you are already teaching consent, but you would like a tO LEARN A FUN AND INTERACTIVE way to teach it


  • you would like to make a meaningful difference in the world 


After taking this 8 week course you will be certified and confident

to teach the Consent Culture Intro Workshop.


The 8 sessions(which will be recorded) will be every Wednesday in April and May (except for the last Wednesday in April) from 10am - noon PST/1 - 3pm EST.


This condensed course is best suited to people with a background in facilitation or education, but does not have any prerequisites.  It includes:


  • 8 sessions for instruction and sharing

  • An extra interactive session with an AI program that simulates facilitation

  • An anti racism component with a guest expert

  • A trauma informed component with a guest expert

  • An intake and exit interview

  • Promotion on my website as a certified facilitator

  • The opportunity for supportive collaboration moving forward

Tine Van de Looverbosch

"This course will make you aware of the many ways consent is vital and give you tools to try and be as all encompassing as possible. I really enjoyed learning about creating a new culture, as it sheds a hopeful yet concrete and achievable light on a heavy topic. The content is nuanced, realistic and intersectional. Erica explains everything clearly and with an open mind, and invites brilliant experts to complement their knowledge. I learned so much, felt so much, and met such beautiful people doing incredibly meaningful work. It was a great experience I will not forget."


-Tine Van De Looverbosch, Sex Educator, Participant of Spring 2023 Course

Jadelynn st dre

Jadelynn St Dre (she/her/hers) is a Queer, mixed-race, Latinx facilitator, trauma therapist and

interdisciplinary performance artist, based out of Durham, NC and the Bay Area, CA. She has

worked within the antiviolence movement for over a decade, seeking to uplift the voices of those

often forgotten or silenced within the mainstream movement.

After obtaining her MA, Jadelynn worked within nonprofit antiviolence agencies and shelters

providing clinical services, consultation and program development. Currently, Jadelynn is in

private practice, specializing in sexual and intimate partner assault, intergenerational trauma and

sex therapy, primarily with LGBTQIA+ individuals. In addition to her therapeutic work, she

offers consultation and facilitation around accountability and trauma-informed care. She was the

co-founder and lead coordinator of DISCLOSE, a queer collective of artists and educators

committed to organizing arts-based community engagement in the eradication of sexual violence.


Nationally, she organized as part of the Leadership Team of The Monument Quilt, a crowd-

sourced collection of thousands of stories from survivors of rape and abuse, which was displayed


on the National Mall in the Spring of 2019. More information about Jadelynn’s work can be

found on her website at

picture of educator
picture of Marcia Baczynskiu

Marcia Baczynski

Marcia Baczynski(she/her) is the co-author of Creating Consent Culture: A Handbook For Educators, and a sexual communication coach, co-founder of Cuddle Party, and CEO of Asking For What You Want with over 17 years of experience. Marcia is a sought-after presenter at conferences across North America and a teacher for the School of Consent.

What you will learn

Introductory Interview - We will discuss what you hope to gain from the course, and whether this course is right for you. Once we decide that you are in the right place, I will work with you until you feel confident to facilitate the workshop.


Session 1 - We will introduce ourselves, make some group agreements, and do some self reflection exercises. We'll review facilitation basics, being prepared, self care, intention vs. expectation, mandated reporting, land acknowledgements, group agreements, and partnering. We will dive into best practices for navigating triggers and microaggressions. We will discuss modeling consent based approaches and self compassion for what the work may bring up for you.  We will have time to share take-aways and ask questions.


Session 2 -Here we go deep on consent and consent culture. We will learn about moving from the permissive model to a collaborative one.  We will look at a Privilege/Power wheel, power differentials, manipulation and the fawn response. We will experience and discuss the No exercises. Why it’s hard to say and hear No. We will go over the workshop's red flag demonstration and talk about addressing disappointment or feelings of rejection. We will discuss how gendered socialization does and does not impact this collaborative process. We will have time to share take-aways and ask questions.


Session 3 - We will talk about the part of the workshop that deals with what if I’m a maybe? We will go over why we doubt ourselves and the body check-in exercises(active and seated). We'll talk about when Maybe is a No, and the difference between want, willing, and enthusiastic. We'll discuss the Habitual Yes, and how changing boundaries are normal and the fact that in consent culture you can always change your mind. We'll go over demonstrating boundary zones and the Yes yes No no exercises. We'll talk about how finding shared meaning is essential to collaboration. We'll go over skills for clear communication, curiosity, open ended questions, active listening and the greeting exercises. We will have time to share take-aways and ask questions.


Session 4 - Trauma-Informed expert Julia Pishko will share their expertise on the foundations of trauma informed facilitation. They will help us to explore our edges,  what grounding techniques work for us, and the four levels of trauma/fundamental social needs and bargaining behaviors.  We'll look at body brain trauma response/ threat responses. We will have time to share take-aways and ask questions.


Session 5 - Being able to ask for what you want is essential to collaboration. We will discuss why asking for what you want is hard. We'll discuss too much and not enough,  desire smuggling, and how you still get to have boundaries/change your mind even when you are the one asking. We will do the asking exercise and unpack it.  We will have time to share take-aways and ask questions.


Session 6 - Anti racism expert  Anaya Lambert will lead this session on how to facilitate in an anti racist way. They will lead us on topics such as  prioritizing marginalized students, and navigating racist comments between students. We will explore our own biases and triggers.  We will have time to share take-aways and ask questions.


Session 7 - We will discuss the Freeze Response, and Backup not Backlash. We'll talk about strategies to end victim blaming and shaming, and punitive vs. restorative justice. We'll talk about Restorative justice, and the difference between consent accidents and consent violations. We'll look at accountability and intentions vs. impact. We'll explore the difference between Upstanders vs. Bystanders. We'll talk about how everyone makes mistakes, and what do you do next? We'll go over the anatomy of a true apology. We'll look at taking all of these consent skills online. We will have time to share take-aways and ask questions.


Session 8 - We will look at what we need to know about ending interactions.  We'll talk about how consent is not one and done and how we need to practice practice practice. We will go over ways to modify the workshop for different environments or lengths of time. We'll discuss who we can market the workshop to and how.



AI Simulation Session - with a smaller breakout group you will have an opportunity to interact with an AI simulation of youth, practising things such as handling disclosure, hard questions, and heckling, without fear of causing harm. This is a very special opportunity that I'm excited to share with you!


Exit Interview - A chance for each of us to give and receive feedback and to discuss ways that I can support you as a Consent Culture Intro facilitator going forward.



The 8 sessions(which will be recorded) will be every Wednesday in April and May(except for the last Wednesday in April) from 10am - noon PST/1 - 3pm EST.


This cost of this course is only $1350 USD, and there are also group rates available. If you register and pay a deposit of at least half by February 15th, you will be able to get the early bird discount of only $1200 USD.


Contact me here and I will get back to you to set up a zoom chat.

"Creating Consent Culture is an important training. In today’s culture, it’s critical for students to be able to say and accept no graciously and say yes enthusiastically so they can protect themselves emotionally and physically. The exercises are relevant and fun and will keep students’ attention. As a practicing School Counselor, I would recommend this training to every educator and student 10+."

picture of Virginia Rose

-Virginia Rose M.S., Licensed Pre-K-12 School Counselor for 29 years, participant of Fall Certification Course, 2022

“The creating consent culture workshop breaks consent down in a way that is simple enough for anyone of any age to understand, yet nuanced enough to make these skills relevant and applicable to anyone navigating the often fraught landscape of human relationships. Having completed the facilitator training I'm feeling prepared and excited to bring this work into my community.”

 -Sarah Anne Trivett, Registered Clinical Counselor,

participant of Fall Certification Course

picture of Sarah Anne
Gabrielle "Cheri" Thomas

“Creating Consent Culture, the course, was an experience I am truly grateful for. I love all of the nuances of everyday life and real internal experiences that it put in the forefront in such a humanizing and brave way. It was as gentle as it was bold, which reflects the kind of leader and facilitator I want to be. I love that Erica is genuinely open to feedback and learning while also being strong in her WHY. My coursemates were individuals that I enjoyed learning alongside. I feel supported by Erica as I prepare to go out to the world and hold workshops for others. As someone who has been violated, it played a really unique role in this chapter of my healing journey and pointed a whole new beam of hope that others will be exposed to the opportunity to lean into the value of productive, empathetic, discomfort so that we can all grow toward a more humane society.”

  - Cheri Yielle, Educator, Participant of Spring Certification Course 2023

“Erica's certification course was insightful and fun. I have rarely had such a paradigm-shifting experience. I did not consider myself an expert in consent before, but I thought I was ahead of most people in my approaches to consent. Creating Consent Culture made me realize that there was a whole approach I was missing out on; not only in my work, but in my life. While taking the course, I lead an informal consent workshop for the youth I work with. One of them in particular commented on how informative it was. The next time I saw them, I went in for a hug because we always hug. They corrected me for not asking for the hug and I was so embarrassed. Immediately, however, I was proud of them and humbled at the same time. It really sunk in that however I think about consent, it is a practice that you have to nurture in all parts of your life.As a traumatized person, I love that Erica is on the cutting edge of trauma informed practices. I hope that everyone can learn what I have about consent culture because it has enriched my life so much.”


-Rowan Miska, Peer Support Specialist, Participant of 2023 Fall Certification Course

Rowan speaking.jpg

About your presenters

Erica Scott

Erica Scott(they/her) is the co-author of Creating Consent Culture: A Handbook For Educators, and the creator of the Consent Culture Intro Workshop. They will be your guide throughout this course and do everything in their power for you to feel prepared to facilitate the workshop by the end of the course.

picture of Erica Scott

Anaya Lambert

picture of Anaya Lambert

Anaya Lambert (she/they) is a first generation Black Guyanese-Canadian and Queer woman of color.


Anaya is an anti racism and equity consultant, educator and outdoor enthusiast who centers trauma informed practices, disability justice and helping organizations and corporations to build and implement equitable structures and policy across all sectors - with special attention to the Outdoor Education/Recreation industry. As a trained Theater of the Oppressed (TO) Joker, Anaya uses games, theater exercises and principles of somatics to facilitate unlearning and learning.


You can often find Anaya birding, wood splitting, gardening or facilitating online from her quaint home - located on the traditional territories of the Ktunaxa, Sinixt and Syilx nations.

Julia Pishko


Julia Pishko (she/her) is a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach, supervisor and facilitator at the International Association of Trauma Recovery  Coaching and educator, training Certified Trauma Specialists. 

She serves as a victims advocate for sexual assault survivors and is a research and content specialist at 3 Joannes, co-creating a sexual assault first responder training. As the owner of Cat’s Cradle Coaching & Consulting, she works 1-1 with survivors and consults on and creates trauma informed education and policies with a focus on resilience and empowerment based models of community support and healing within safe relationships. 


When she is not nerding out about the neuroscience of trauma, you will find her listening to audiobooks, making friends with backyard squirrels, building LEGO with her 2 kids and taking her cat out for hikes in Denver, CO. 

picture of Julia Pishko
picture of Patrick McManus

“I graduated with a Psychology degree some years ago and had no idea how to dive into a field that would interest me, or even get started.One day,  a random google and Creating Consent Culture popped up.  After researching about Erica and the book they wrote, I found that they were also hosting a workshop for consent education.


I had been struggling with direction for a while, but after a quick message and a zoom call with Erica, I felt this was the right move to expand my education. Week after week it was packed full of information and discussion with other individuals that expressed the same interest and concern into creating a movement for consent education... Erica guided us through their methods on implimenting this exact workshops and strategies inside various environments (and even with various constraints).


Walking away from the workshop, if I had to boil down key things I was able to gain, (while difficult to constrain to a few), I would say the clear direction and impact that education on this topic can have in the community. Knowing that this education was not ever directly taught to me in schools or my community, and that I had to actively seek it out, really emphasizes the need for it to be taught more widely. I'm Looking forward to continuing my education, while also looking for ways to bring this workshop to educational facilities near me.”


– Patrick McManus, Educator, participant in Fall Certification Course 2022


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